Shambhala, Wesak and the Great Invocation
Older than any organized religions, Shambhala is a spiritual center where the highest governing Avatar of the Planetary Logos of Earth resides and is said to be an expression of the Will of God. It’s a fabulous spiritual kingdom whose reality is visionary or spiritual as much as physical or geographic. It has influenced non-Buddhist as well as Buddhist spiritual seekers — and, to some extent, popular culture in general.
The Great Invocation
The Great Invocation is a world prayer, translated into over 80 languages and dialects. It is an instrument of power to aid the Plan of God find full expression on Earth.

Wesak, the full moon of Buddha in May. This powerful ceremony is a must for the spiritual initiate.
So much good has come from Theosophy’s powerful “Great Invocation”. The beneficent intention of the “guide” is obvious to me.
Raising my consciousness by connecting with the divine source is important to me. More and more humans are raising their consciousness with divine guidance and intervention.
Due to raising my consciousness I have noticed old issues fading away. Many asked to come to Earth to experience the ascension in consciousness and the SHIFT to magnificent energies. It’s an honor to be here, clearing old stuff, becoming responsible and preparing for a magnificent, self-determined, enlightened and fulfilling life ahead. The SOUL AWAKENING that is occurring on the planet surpasses anything imaginable.
A key factor of raising consciousness involves multidimensionality which is an intense divine initiation process which resolves old belief systems and issues. As new dimensions are compared to the old dimension some maybe more comfortable than others.
The ascension process with divine intervention and guidance creates a new magnificent reality/dimension and Magnificent Universal Human Consciousness . Ones biology shifts by increasing frequency, vibration, love, light and vitality, resolve personal and societal issues, develop right timing, healthy relationships and spiritual enlightenment, and thus become Universal Humans (detailed description).
You might already notice old issues are disappearing the more human consciousness ascends.
In accordance with the Universal Principles and for the highest good of All and as the “I AM presence”, many of Earth’s humans are being divinely guided to successfully connect with divine source, raise their consciousness and biology with increasing frequency, vibration, love, light and vitality, resolve personal and societal issues, develop right timing, healthy relationships and spiritual enlightenment, thus, become a Universal Human (detailed description). This is a divine ascension process.
Watch and feel the vibrational SHIFT, SHIFT, SHIFT to the higher frequencies of awareness, love and light. Experience, Experience, Experience, the higher frequencies of awareness, love and light and galactic highways opening up for all to see.
And, when the time is right, the Universal Human will enter the Universal Human Family and New Worlds Universal Federation. Reveal, reveal, reveal.
Sending Healing, Wisdom, and Understanding