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Earth’s Golden Light Grid Healing Meditation

Blessings and Protection for you in doing this Earth’s Golden Light Grid Healing Meditation

Spiritual Planetary President, Cariel Quinly, mission is to provide a connection with the Divine Human Race, higher consciousness, planetary consciousness, Divine portals & the Divine Soul so she reveals herself as the HMHS or Divine Being who leads consciousnesses to an improved reality that’s Divinely mandated and connected to a “beautiful positive magnificence” which the HMHS creates with Heaven’s assistance while she traverses the different the inner & outer planes of existence & achieves a consensus & anchor higher vibrations and higher consciousnesses effectively & provides solace, comfort, safety & passageways for many to connect with effectively.

The Spiritual Planetary President’s appearances began two ago.  Before she began appearing, a psychic purgatory almost consumed the planet’s population & consciousness with a death wish script which is now corrected.

The Spiritual Planetary President & HMHS (The Most High Sovereignty) will heal the wounds that she wants to, & will find happiness regardless of the reality she in, and she will create a beautiful positive magnificent reality as outlined in her articles and sovereignty statements. And others will find themselves there, effectively & happily.


Earth’s Golden Light Grid Healing Meditation

With the Earth’s permission and in harmony with the Universal Principles, let’s get started.

Create a meditative space and find a comfortable position. Breathe deeply, imagine any stress, anxiety and negativity that you may have had is now leaving your body & dissolving. Any burdens of the day & week are floating away and you feel relaxed… Feel any tension in your muscles subside.  Breathe easily and freely.

State your spiritual intentions of making it through the next “threshold”.  And it’s important to know that’s what’s coming.

What soul priorities are you aware of ?  If your not aware, become aware.  Make a list of the pros & cons of the situation you’re in.

Remember to ask for assistance & ask your guides and spiritual teachers to come and help with your pros & cons duality propulsion system to get you through initiations to higher consciousness. The more refined the duality fuel the better.

In other words, understand your psychology and your helpers on all levels for refueling on all levels. And thank your helpers for helping.

Now that you know you can do all levels, what priorities stand out?

Nurturing the physical life force is currently a priority for many.

As you focus on your third eye, imagine your astral body standing up from your physical body. Imagine standing at the entrance of a dimly light tunnel.

Now, begin to walk into the tunnel. See the lights on the walls and the texture of the floor as you walk through the tunnel.

Just a head of you see a set of glass doors and your heart tells you that a wonderful healing experience is on the other side of the doors.  A feeling of peace & joy fills you. With each step closer to the doors, you feel more relaxed and uplifted and connected to the Divine Source that is guiding you.

As you approach the doors, they automatically open and invite you into this realm of enlightenment and lightness. As you pass through you can strongly feel the Divine Source and all those who have come to assist you on this healing journey. Know that they are sending you what you need for the most understanding, healing, and assistance for your healing journey. They are beckoning you now to go deep within. You hear them say, “You are loved and you are never alone. We are here to guide you home by way of the Earth’s Light Grid which holds the secrets of Life.”  Breathe deep centering breaths.

With each breath you travel deeper and you feel a wonderful sense of light filling your body. You see before you an Inner Earth, a vast inner region of energies and the Earth’s Light Grid – a grid work of light energies. You see strands of light stretching in all directions, like silver highways going off into the distance. You feel these are LIFE lines of energies. You are sensing a connection to one of the lines.

You are being pulled by it. It’s a very strong current of light going deep into the Earth’s Light Grid, where an early childhood trauma or past life trauma occurred and can finally be healed. This is also a chance to help heal the Earth’s Light Grid, adding lightness to it.

Now, take a moment to connect to the first time you experienced shame. Once you sense that original shame it may feel like an old albatross. You may question, why not healthy guilt? Why did I experience shame and internalize it, so I felt “I was a bad person” instead of “I made a mistake”?

With guilt you have a chance to do things better the next time. But, in the old drama, with shame, you may have thought you were a “goner for the dark side” (a bit over dramatic).  With shame comes false humility and you may have looked for an invisible corner in which to grovel rather than be proactive. Parasites can hook into that old dramatization and feed off the negative energies.

Before shame entered the story, you felt “good enough” and knew your self as a Divine Child of the Universe. Loved. Natural. Wondrous. Mystical. You can return to this feeling anytime just by saying, “I am loved”.  And there are no more parasites projecting shame onto you.

Now, go to the moment when the original “shamer” shamed you. This “shamer” had not dealt with their shame and transferred it to you. It is passed on to the next generation until it is stopped. Now, it’s time to stop it by giving the original shame back to the original “shamer”.

Go, ahead, see the “shamer” and give their shame back to them. Tell them, it’s not yours. And they can send it back to their original “shamer” all the way back through to your first ancestor (and/or past life of original shame) and off to the Great Central Sun to be transmuted. Feel your psychological family tree shift and so a healthy tree emerges.  And so, it is.

And you feel the healing repercussions of all the trauma and shame being healed in your life and your ancestry.  You feel that equilibrium has been restored. You can see healthy co-creative relationships developing now in a free universe, free from shame-parasites. Feel the lightness that it brings to the Earth Light Grid.  See humanity’s collective healthy family tree is also help lightening the pathway.

Do you CU as a “recovering” non-alcoholic-perfectionist that has achieved a “healthy humanity” using guilt and humility and then column-bining the pillars of self-righteousness and judgmental-ism all over again?

There’s a refining going on!!!

This is true empowerment in which one can take responsibility for their mistakes. They apologize, make amends and do things better the next time. And somewhere along the way, they may be forgiven – or at the very least – find self-forgiveness and self-love.

The refining continues and wonderful tonality enters in.

Feel the self-love. You are a Divine Child of the Universe. And as these loving energies activate your light body, your pineal gland, chakras and spinal column are operating together to balance your being so your Soul memory of who you really are, is reawakening. Breathe that in.

Once again, you are directed by HMHS and asked to go deeper within and deeper into inner Earth. You are reminded of your training as a Light warrior and Peacemaker.

In your altered state of awareness you finally understand all the life times of learning about the flow of energies and blockages. You feel all of you chakras are one and activated.

Now, you feel a wonderful sense of light filling your body. You feel empowered to help and witness the processes without column-bining.

Again, you see before you an inner Earth of wonders. This time you are pulled by a very strong current of light that leads you to the 33rd parallel that circles the Earth.

Take a moment and allow the Divine current lead you where you belong or need to go on the 33d latitude to help clear any disharmonious energy or dis-ease on this attitude line.

You may be drawn to a dark or light scaffolding or portal, & hear a sound, & see a color or symbol, & feel a feeling or activity – perhaps an explosive fiery volcanic activity.   It’s an attitude latitude line.

Shifting, Shifting, Shifting this line with gratitude attitude for the presence you feel.

You observe and acknowledge a Divine healing presence that has come to heal a grid line past trauma  – transforming it.

You experience pulsations of a strong, & stronger and stronger golden light and luminosities, beaming & vibrating at higher and higher frequencies so everything disappears into a golden light.

With your ability and willingness to witness you see the dissolving of dis-ease and disharmony along this latitude-attitude line. You see the scaffolding changing & dissolving into the golden luminosity.

You sense a healing of the past traumas, shame & explosive and disharmonious activities are transmuted to life enhancing energy flowing into natural cycles of a new Life Force & Light Grid replenish all levels with a better consciousness that brightens and lightens our way & becomes an easier, wiser & a  happier spiritual passage way.

You see the whole Earth Light Grid lighting up and people are alive and restored to harmony & the Earth’s Star Crystal and Golden Light shine brightly throughout the Universe.

You feel your light body is fully activated and you realize you are light & enjoy that lightness for the moment. The wonderful energies of The Earth Star Crystal and Golden Light continue supporting you  so that before you are the glass doors to the tunnel that rises to the surface & on your return to Earth’s surface & your astral body steps back inside your physical body & your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies are united and healthier than ever before and you feel good.  The Earth vibrates with the wonderful potential, which lies ahead for you.

You thank your Divine guides and teachers for this wonderful experience, renewal, healing, visions, sensations, insights and answers you received on your journey . Thank them for coming and give them a goodbye hug & your meditative space & physical body are in a new golden luminosity for your advancement.

You feel a wonderful sense of love, gratitude, connection to your higher-self, while feeling healthier, wiser, more whole and happier than ever before.

Take in a deep breath and feel your body, feeling wonderfully good, renewed and revitalized. You become more and more aware of your surroundings.  You’re wide awake with eyes open.

And welcome.

So now that you’re here I’m sending you through the quantum threshold to your highest mastery level.

And Profoundly Glad to be of Service,


Copyright 2014 Cariel Quinley. If reposting include my name and a link to this post.


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