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STOP Food Cravings in... 5 Easy Steps with EFT!

by Karen Nauman


It is reported by the EFT community at large, that there is an 80% + success rate using EFT for cravings, emotional eating and comfort eating. 


EFT Cravings Method. REMEMBER... tap when you are experiencing a craving or when you feel a craving coming on. EFT founder, Gary Craig says... "It's *way* too late to tap when you're in line at the Krispy Kreme donut shop!" :)


5 Steps:

1. Rate your urge or the intensity of the craving, on a scale of 0 to 10. Example: I feel like having a piece of cake at an intensity of 8 (0 = I do not crave having a piece of cake at all…could care less about it! And 10 = I REALLY, REALLY want to have a piece of cake!) Make sure you fully associate with the food, snack item or beverage. Locate the feeling or sensation in your body associated with this craving. Think about the item you are craving, get a mental picture and imagine it in detail, think about its aroma, its texture i.e. how it would feel in your mouth. Really fire up your taste buds etc!


2. Start with the 'Set-up' (3 times – karate chop)
KC - Even though I have this # X craving (insert intensity of the craving) in my ____ (area in body where you feel the craving i.e. mouth, stomach etc)… I deeply and completely accept myself. (Repeat 2 more times) Note: Sometimes it is more effective if you do not say the food/beverage item and just refer to the craving sensation itself.


3. Now do the 'Sequence' or reminder statements (each body point) as you focus on the feeling in your body. TH - This craving EB - This craving SE - This craving UN - This craving CH - This craving CB - This craving UA - This craving (take a deep breath, gently move your neck around and roll your shoulders a few times)


4. Rate your craving intensity again (i.e. check the sensation in your body associated with the craving). If it is greater than a 2 (i.e. 3 to 10) do another round of tapping with the following changes:

Do the set-up 3 times: KC - Even though I *still* have this craving… I deeply and completely accept myself. (Repeat 2 more times) Then do the body points sequence again using the reminder statement... "this remaining craving".


5. Continue doing EFT rounds (set-up and sequence) until the urge or craving subsides to 0 or at least to a 1 or 2.







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