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EFT Love Script: EFT Script for Increasing Self Love - print

By Karen Nauman


Truth Statement

Get a 0 - 10 'truth level' on this statement: "I feel as though I don't know and never will know how to love myself" - 0 = not true at all and 10 = very true.


NOTE: Use this EFT Self Love Script as it is written, or make up your own EFT setup and sequence statements that better suit your particular situation.  


Round 1: The Problem

EFT Setup Statements

KC - Even though I don't know how to love myself... I deeply and completely accept myself

KC - Even though self love is *not* one of my strengths... I am learning to be okay with this

KC - Even though I have *never* loved myself... I choose to accept and forgive myself anyway

EFT Sequence

TH - I don't know how to love myself

EB - I've always had trouble with this

SE - I am incapable of directing love towards myself

UE - And this makes me unlovable to others

UN - I feel there is something really wrong with me

CH - And because of this, I am sad, lonely and insecure

CB - I just don't feel I will ever learn to love myself

UA - I wonder if I'm really destined to be this way... for the rest of my life?


Take a deep breath... roll your shoulders, stretch, wiggle your toes. Check your 0-10 'truth' statement level; "I don't know and never will know how to love myself". There is no right or wrong answer here.


The level may have gone down, stayed the same or maybe it even went up (this is not unusual at this point). Just make note of how true the statement *feels* to you after the first EFT tapping round.


I stress the word 'feels' because the intensity level of the truth statement will be more accurate if we plug into how it feels in our body, instead of what we 'think' it is in our head.


Round 2: The Turn Around - Reframe

EFT Setup Statements

KC - Even though I don't know how to love myself... I forgive and accept myself anyway

KC - Even though self love has never been a part of my life... maybe I'll find a way

KC - Even though as a child, I wasn't taught how to love myself... I am open to some new possibilities

EFT Sequence

TH - I wasn't taught how to love myself

EB - When I think about this... I feel so sad

SE - I have missed out on a lot of joy and happiness

UE - Maybe it's time for me to take a new path?

UN - I think I need new teachers on the subject of self love

CH - Maybe one of these teachers is me?

CB - I know how to love others... other people... animals... and nature

UA - Maybe it's time to start directing some of this love towards myself?

Take a deep breath... roll your shoulders, stretch your neck, wiggle your toes. Check your 0-10 'truth' statement level; "I don't know and never will know how to love myself".


Round 3: Affirm and Appreciate - no setup

EFT Sequence

TH - I am considering becoming someone who *can* learn to love themselves

EB - Although, I'm not sure how I'm going to do this right now

SE - It feels good to think about making this change

UE - I'm open to learning more about 'self love'

UN - Part of me is looking forward to finding a different way

CH - Maybe this is something I *can* learn

CB - I appreciate my honesty and courage with this issue

UA - I am relieved knowing that there might be some hope for me here


Take a deep breath... roll your shoulders, stretch, wiggle your toes. Check your 0-10 'truth' statement level; "I don't know and never will know how to love myself". How true does it feel now? (0 = not true at all and 10 = very true). Compare this to your initial level.


Once again, make sure you ask using the word 'feel' instead of 'think'. It's much harder to 'plug' into the issue when we are in our head. Monitoring feelings brings us into our body.

Even if the level of your truth statement did not go down very much, change *will* start to happen. Small shifts in attitude and desire can go a long way in helping us make big changes in our life!


IMPORTANT NOTE: This EFT Self Love Help Script is very general and has been designed to offer some relief. Chronic self love issues can be quite complex. Those who are affected by this need to discover and tap on the various aspects and core issue(s) that support the problem in the first place.  


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