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Maintaining a Positive Outlook EFT Script - PRINT
By Karen Nauman
Truth Statement
Get a 0 - 10 'truth level' on this statement: "It’s hard to maintain a positive attitude about the future”, with '0' being not true at all and '10' being very true.
Round 1: The Problem
EFT Setup Statements
KC - Even though its REALLY hard to be positive about the future... I deeply and completely accept myself
KC - Even though maintaining a positive outlook is a challenge these days… I accept who I am and how I am feeling
KC - Even though having a positive attitude does *not* run in my family... I've decided to be open to change, anyway
EFT Sequence
TH - I have MAJOR challenges in the positive attitude department
EB - The 'doom and gloom' in the news makes it hard to stay positive
SE - Thinking about these things REALLY brings me down
UE - I’m worried that I’ll stay negative... FOR EVER!
UN - I don't know how to be more positive…
CH - I am always getting stuck in stressful and negative thoughts
CB - I really struggle with maintaining a positive attitude
UA - I don’t think I’ll ever be able to change my ways
Take a deep breath... roll your shoulders, stretch, wiggle your toes. Check your 0 - 10 'truth' statement level.
There is no right or wrong answer here. The level may have gone down, stayed the same or maybe it even went up. It is not unusual for the intensity or level of truth to go up at this point.
Make note of how true the statement *feels* to you after the first EFT tapping round. I emphasize the word 'feels' because the intensity level of the truth statement will be more accurate if we plug into how it feels in our body, instead of what we 'think' it is in our head.
Round 2: The Turn Around - Reframe
EFT Setup Statements
KC - Even though having a positive outlook about the future is hard... I accept my feelings and who I am
KC - Even though thinking about the future REALLY brings me down... maybe I'll find a way?
KC - Even though I've got such negative thoughts about the future… I am open to changing my ways
EFT Sequence
TH - I find it REALLY hard to be positive about the future
EB - Especially with all the bad news
SE - Being so fearful is very depressing
UE - I wonder if I can find another way?
UN - It’s hard to imagine... *me* learning new ways to think and feel?
CH - Maybe bit by bit, I can shift away from this 'doom and gloom'?
CB - But I have been thinking this way for sooooo long
UA - Maybe I can become more positive? Maybe there is a new and different way?
Take a deep breath... roll your shoulders, gently stretch your neck, wiggle your toes. Check your 0 -10 'truth' statement level.
Round 3: Turn Around/Reframe (no setup)
EFT Sequence
TH - It seems really hard have a positive outlook…
EB - I'm positive I want a change. I am tired of feeling down
SE - Maybe I could think about what could go right in the future? This might help me shift
UE - If negative stuff comes up... then, I'll focus back to the here and the now
UN - When I think about 'now', the present moment… things don't seem so bad, and it makes me feel a bit better
CH - I wonder if it’s not about trying to maintain a positive outlook about the future?
CB - Maybe it’s more about where I put my focus and attention?
UA - So, to help me become more positive... I'll focus on the present moment more often!
Take a deep breath... roll your shoulders, gently stretch your neck, wiggle your toes. Check your 0 -10 'truth' statement level.
Round 4: Affirm and Appreciate (no setup)
EFT Sequence
TH - I appreciate knowing that I am in charge of my thoughts
EB - Detaching from the “doom and gloom” will be a challenge for me
SE - I am grateful that I am more aware of this now
UE - I know that change can take a lot of time and effort
UN - Maybe this will be surprisingly easy? If I begin to pay more attention to how I feel
CH - And when I become negative or depressed about the future
CB - I’ll shift my attention back to the present moment
UA - I appreciate knowing...
that I have the freedom and the power to choose!
Take a deep breath... roll your shoulders, stretch, wiggle your toes.
Check your 0 -10 'truth' statement level; "It’s hard to maintain a positive attitude about the future”. How true does it feel now? (0 = not true at all and 10 = very true). Compare this to your initial level.
Once again, make sure you ask yourself what you 'feel' instead of 'think'. It's much harder to 'plug' into the issue when we are in our head. Feelings bring us into our body and connect us to our intuition.
Even if the level of your truth statement only went down a little, be assured that change *will* still happen. Shifts in thinking and perception, no matter how subtle, can create big changes in our life!
You may even be getting some new insights such as;
♦ "If I can’t be positive about the future, I’ve decided to put my focus on the present moment."
♦ "Maybe I am more in control of how I feel than I thought."
♦ "My emotions help me realize where I am putting my attention."
♦ "The future *is* out of my hands, but I can decide how I feel right now!"
♦ "If thinking about the future makes me feel bad, then I will put my attention elsewhere!"
♦ "It's way more important how I feel right now, then fretting and worrying about something I can not control!"