Authentic Mentoring with Cariel Coaching, Counseling
Authentic mentoring with Cariel, Coaching, Counseling
Authentic Mentoring with Cariel Coaching, Counseling
Authentic Mentoring with Cariel Coaching, Counseling
Internet mentoring on Skype or OOVOO video is a great alternative to face-to-face counseling/mentoring. The advantages:
​Completely confidential and private, especially when you don't want your insurance carrier to have access to your mental health information.
Very convenient, especially when you live in a remote place or don't want to travel any further than your own home.
Easy to fit into your busy schedule, even when you are traveling out of town.
Great if you cannot find a local counselor.
​What is Skype? What is OOVOO?
Skype and OOVOO are free software that allows you to have free calls, video conferencing and chat over the internet. It's free when contacting other members. Or you can pay and call anyone. If you have a computer and a high speed internet connection, you can start downloading the program and using it right away.
Phone Mentoring
Some prefer telephone instead of the internet. That's fine too. Cariel's Bio
Mentoring Tips
The following tips may be useful to make your sessions more effective:
1. Please try to create a private space free from distractions and other people
during the session time.
2. Have paper and pencil ready for taking notes.
3. Please turn off your other phones or set them on silent mode.
4. Cariel works within these Mentoring Areas.
Please, no exhibitionists/sexual disorder cases (read article). Telephone or Video mentoring is not appropriate for people who are suicidal, self-injuring, homicidal, or who have mental health issues that require more intense care than one session per week. If you feel severely depressed, suicidal, or you think you are about to hurt yourself or someone else, call 911, or go to the nearest hospital emergency room or clinic immediately and ask for help.