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STOP Feeling Guilty...EFT Guilt Script - Print OUt

By Karen Nauman


Guilt is an emotion that can cause a heavy burden on our body, mind and soul! Self blame and regret that is carried around for a long time can be the cause of physical, mental and/or emotional imbalances that may even lead to illness.

This script can help lift the weight of these heavy emotions and improve your sense of well being!

NOTE: Use this tapping script as it is written, or make up your own EFT setup and sequence statements that better suit your particular situation.


Truth Statement

Get a 0 - 10 'truth level' on this statement: "I feel guilty about _______” (insert your own situation i.e. not saying goodbye - getting angry - hurting someone - leaving or abandoning someone - saying or doing something - not doing something etc. With 0 being not true at all and 10 being very true.Examples:- “I have guilty feelings about stealing mom’s food money at 11.”- "I feel responsible for _______ not working out like it should have."- "I feel terrible about not helping ________ when they needed me."- "I feel bad about not earning my share of the income."- "I feel guilty about not saying sorry to ________ for what I said."


Round 1: The Problem

EFT Setup Statements

KC - Even though I feel sooooooo… guilty about ________ ... I deeply and completely accept myself

KC - Even though this is an emotional burden for me… I accept myself and the feelings I have around this issue

KC - Even though I know I am punishing myself with these feelings… I acknowledge and respect myself anyway

EFT Sequence

TH - This weighs heavy on my mind

EB - Sometimes it feels like a tight clamp around my body

SE - Especially when I think about it

UE - It's really hard to stop feeling guilty

UN - It makes me feel sad and disappointed in myself

CH - I feel like I need to carry this with me for a long time!

CB - It doesn’t feel possible to let this go

UA - This is so heavy… and it's like a weight on my chest

Take a deep breath... roll your shoulders, stretch, wiggle your toes. Check your 0 - 10 'truth' statement level; "I feel guilty about _______”. There is no right or wrong answer here. The level may have gone down, stayed the same or maybe it even went up. It is not unusual for it to go up at this point. Just make note of how true the statement *feels* to you after the first EFT tapping round.

I stress the word 'feels' because the intensity level of the truth statement will be more accurate if we plug into how it feels in our body, instead of what we 'think' it is in our head.


Round 2: The Turn Around - Reframe

EFT Setup Statements

KC - Even though I've carrying this for while now... I forgive and accept myself anyway

KC - Even though I don't know how to let this self blame go… maybe I'll find a way

KC - Even though I think I *need* to hold onto this heavy feeling... I'm open to the possibility of letting it go

EFT Sequence

TH - Part of me feels I *must* hold onto this

EB - And another part of me wants to let it go

SE - This heaviness has really stuck around

UE - I wonder if its time to let it go?

UN - But if I let it go… I’ll need to forgive myself…

CH - And I’m not sure I can forgive myself for this

CB - Maybe forgiving my self is more about realizing...

UA - that I did the best I could at that time

Take a deep breath... roll your shoulders, stretch your neck, wiggle your toes. Check your 0-10 'truth' statement level; "I feel guilty about _______”.


Round 3: Affirm and Appreciate - no setup

EFT Sequence

TH - It seems like I’m more open to forgiving myself about this

EB - It feels good thinking about being free of this weight!

SE - Do I need to be so hard on myself?

UE - Maybe I just need to give myself a bit of slack...
and a whole lot of understanding

UN - I appreciate the new ways I am beginning to look at this

CH - I feel my mind and body getting a little lighter already

CB - I am relieved about the possibility of letting this go

UA - and that freeing myself of these heavy feelings… may be surprisingly easy!


Take a deep breath... roll your shoulders, stretch, wiggle your toes. Check your 0 -10 'truth' statement level; "I feel guilty about _______”. How true does it feel now? (0 = not true at all and 10 = very true). Compare this to your initial level.


Once again, make sure you ask using the word 'feel' instead of 'think'. It's much harder to 'plug' into the issue when we are in our head. Monitoring feelings brings us into our body.

Even if the level of your truth statement did not go down very much, change *will* start to happen. Small shifts in attitude and desire can go a long way in helping us make big changes in our life!


IMPORTANT NOTE: This script is very general and has been designed to offer *some* relief. Dealing with complex emotional issues requires a more advanced form of tapping. Those who are affected by ongoing negative emotions and desire permanent relief, are advised to discover and tap on the various aspects and core issue(s) that drive the problem.  


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