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ANXIETY - Print Out

EFT is an amazing tool and a great way to help us feel better and reach for relief!

The best part is, there are simple tapping methods, so it doesn't have to be complicated or take a lot of time! 


7 Questions to Ask Before Tapping
1 - What might my anxiety be trying to protect me from?
2 - If my anxiety is trying to keep me safe, what is it trying to keep me safe from?
3 - If my anxiety had a job what would it be?


Questions to Ask the Anxiety Directly

4 - What are you afraid of?

5 - What are you protecting me from?

6 - What is your purpose?

7 - What do you need?


Not Getting Any Answers?

If you feel that you are being blocked from obtaining this information, or get any signs of anxiety when you are doing this investigation - take a few moments to send a message inward that your intentions are not to get rid of this 'part ', but to learn how to work with it so you can function in a more normal, balanced and healthy way.   


EFT Tap and Breathe Technique

by Karne Nauman


This method of tapping won't dramatically shift any core issues, it won't cure any chronic illness’ or heal major childhood traumas, but it will calm a disrupted energy system and help us to retrain the 'fight, flight or freeze' part of our subconscious body-mind.


Did you know that tapping on energy meridians actually releases endorphins and raises serotonin levels in the body? So, using this method is like having a built-in, all natural anti-depressant. One that has only positive effects and is FREE. What an amazing deal! :)


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks or any condition or chronic illness that may cause you to have negative affects from altering your breathing, breathe very slowly, gently and from the bottom part of your lungs i.e do not force or quicken your breathing in any way. If you are uncertain about the affects that this exercise may have on you, then, consult with your health care professional first.


STEP 1: Get a general sense of how anxious, overwhelmed, sad, angry or depressed etc. you feel - low, med or high. If you are up to it... add in some humor here i.e. baby bear, mama bear or papa bear size anxiety! :)


STEP 2: Locate where you feel this emotion in your body. Or identify any discomfort or tension associated with these feelings - such as an anxious stomach, tightness in the chest, a tense neck or constricted throat. Get a general read on this discomfort - low, med or high.


STEP 3: Tap as usual on the karate chop and body points. However, instead of saying EFT statements, just slowly and fully breathe in and out as indicated below. As are you are tapping, close your eyes and put your attention on your breathing and notice what’s happening in your body.


An interesting variation is to breathe in through your nose and at the same time, imagine you are breathing in through the bottom of your feet and then exhale from your lungs and out your mouth.

Please remember, do not force your breathing, just make it full, easy and slow, allowing your stomach to expand when you breath in and contract when you breath out. Also, if you can, take a moment to pay attention to the stillness at the top and bottom of each breath.


When you are learning this technique, keep your eyes open (obviously... so you can read :). However, when you have it memorized, do it with your eyes closed. This helps connect you to your body and your body’s subtle energy system.


ROUND 1: Set Up and Sequence

KC - slow, full breath in… slow, full breath out
KC - slow, full breath in… slow, full breath out
KC - slow, full breath in… slow, full breath out

TH - slow, full breath in
EB - slow, full breath out
SE - slow, full breath in
UE - slow, full breath out
UN - slow, full breath in
CH - slow, full breath out
CB - slow, full breath in
UA - slow, full breath out



Sometimes I add short phrases such as, "Breathing in for me." on the in breath and "Breathing out for the Universe." on the out breath.


After completing a full round of tapping, put your hands down at our side or on your lap. Take one more breath in and out and make it a little fuller and a bit longer.


Now, continue breathing normally and roll your shoulders, gently stretch your neck (and maybe stretch your arms) and wiggle your toes. (I will generally yawn, sigh, feel tingles or get goose bumps, which means I have released some pent up or blocked energy! :) Now open your eyes.


During the tapping, it is not unusual to have something specific like an old memory pop up in your mind. You can tap on that after completing this exercise or enter it into your EFT journal and tap on it later using the EFT Movie Technique, Tell a Story Method or other suitable tapping approach.


During this simple form of tapping you may also get some clarity about something or receive an answer to a problem that you have been pondering for some time. Tuning into the body while tapping on the end points of the energy meridians is a powerful catalyst for growth and change!


STEP 4: Check in with where you initially felt the discomfort or tension in your body. Notice if the level has increased, stayed the same or decreased. If it hasn't decreased to a satisfactory level, repeat the tapping and breathing until you have found the desired relief.


STEP 5: When the sensation in your body has reached a more comfortable level, check the intensity of the emotion you had initially i.e. anxiety, worry, overwhelm etc. Chances are the intensity has gone down or it is no longer there.


Check out Stress Reduction MP3



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