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Episode 4: The Only Thing You Need to Save Your Marriage - Listen
Episode 4: The Only Thing You Need to Save Your Marriage
Ask yourself: “Have I DECIDED that I am going to save my marriage?”
What are your thoughts when you ask yourself that question?
The Four Steps to Saving Your Marriage
Step #1: Decide if it's what you really want.
• “Do I REALLY (in my heart) want to save my marriage?”
• “What are the reasons WHY I want to save my marriage?”
Step #2: Stop making excuses for your current situation.
• Stop thinking about the reasons and excuses why your think your marriage isn't working.
• Guard your thoughts and words.
Step #3: Take action – one step at a time
Step #4: Keep taking action until you get to your outcome (a happy and fulfilling relationship)
• A mistake = being one step closer to the goal
Episode 7: How to Save Your Marriage When Your Spouse Doesn't Want To - Listen
What NOT To Do
1) Don't suggest you try counseling together
2) Don't beg them to stay
3) Don't try to make them feel guilty about leaving
4) Don't threaten them
5) Don't become distant or cold
What TO Do
1) Make a commitment that you are GOING to save your marriage
2) Work on YOURSELF
i. Get clear on what makes you happy and start to do those things
ii. Work on developing the Ideal You
iii. Uncover your fears - and move past them
3) Work TOWARDS a happy marriage, not AWAY from an unhappy one
4) Stop Letting Your Happiness Depend on Your Marriage
5) Work on being attractive (physical/emotional/mental)
6) Create opportunities to connect positively with your spouse
i. Humor
ii. Recalling past good times
7) Don't give up
The Save Your Marriage Mindset
1) I am going to save our marriage (I love my spouse and I will do whatever it takes
for us to stay together)
2) I am a great person, worthy of love and of having a happy and fulfilling life
3) I create my own happiness
4) I am not dependent on my marriage to be happy
5) I am attractive - physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually
6) I focus on the positive aspects of our marriage
7) Our marriage is only going to get better and better
Keys to Success
1) Stay positive
2) Love your spouse unconditionally
3) Focus on your own worth
4) Keep the goal in your mind (saving and strengthening your marriage)
Episode 11 : How to Get Your Spouse to Forgive You – and Heal the Resentment. Listen here:
Episode 15 : How to Stop Financial Problems from Ruining Your Marriage. Listen here: