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Metaphysics -
Published on Apr 4, 2013
http://www.JordanTherapy.com/videos/ What is Metaphysics? The term "Metaphysics" when defined boils down to mean almost anything that Physics has not scientifically proven. In theory, any religious background or faith could technically be called "Metaphysics." The term because passé in the 80;s and 90's when the New Age groups were popular and talk of angels, light and crystals were the main thing people thought of when they heard the word "Metaphysics."
When we look at Metaphysics from a Psychological perspective it brings us to New Thought and the age of transcendentalism; Socrates, Plato, Philosophy at its core. Why are we here? What is our purpose? What is the meaning of life? How do our own individual beliefs contribute to how our lives are created and the fact that we are in reality, in total control of our lives.
Not until today has technology and science been at the forefront that the science of Quantum Theory is based on answering these questions through proven science. The world is changing rapidly and through Psychological understanding of the human mind and behaviors and scientific evidence proving more and more how and why we are here is what I believe to be the wave of the future.